Blåkläder goes global with the English Premier League
On Saturday the 15th of September, 5:35pm local time, Blåkläder cemented another milestone in the company’s almost 60 year history. When the game between Watford and Manchester United reached the time of 05:03 the brand of Blåkläder exploded on the global stage.
During the past two weekends in the English Premier League – the world history’s biggest, most popular and by far the most medially exposed football league – and the rest of the season, Blåkläder will be seen on the stadiums throughout England and Wales in form of LED-commercial.
With constantly sold out venues and a global audience for television the total impressions that comes from our LED-commercial goes up to a staggering 4,5 billion. A fact that only can be seen as a historical statement from Blåkläder.
- This shows that we really means business when we are talking about becoming the leading brand for workwear in Europe. During the last couple of years we have worked hard to make Blåkläder the number one brand in the Nordic countries, and now we feel that we have achieved that goal. It is with great pride that we are now being seen on a huge arena like the Premier League. It’s a fantastic feeling and gives the entire company a great boost to push even further towards becoming the world’s leading brand, says Kalle Larsson, Global Marketing Manager at Blåkläder.
For additional information, please contact:
Anders Carlsson, CEO of Blåkläder
E-mail: anders.carlsson@blaklader.com
Kalle Larsson, Head of Marketing at Blåkläder
E-mail: kalle.larsson@blaklader.com, tel.: +46 (0)702-187333